082 Rogers Point Road – James Moore Jr c.1854

84 Rogers Point Road Steuben
084 Rogers Point Road
084 Rogers Point Road

This home’s land was originally part of Jonathan Leighton’s Lot #1 on the Lothrop Lewis Plan. In the early 1800s, some of the land was sold to Benjamin Godfrey. Benjamin later sold a 14-acre parcel from that lot to James Moore, Jr. (1820-80) in June 1854 (83:210). James, his wife Persis (Lewis), and their children moved to New York City in the early 1860s, where he became a fire insurance agent. James sold the property to Daniel Byther in 1865. Daniel then sold it to William P. Hutchings in 1869. Hutchings then sold to George Lewis in 1872. The Lewis’s kept the property until 1899, when they sold it to Isabelle Moore.

Isabelle Moore, wife of Enoch Moore, was a second cousin of James Moore, Jr., so the property returned to the family almost 50 years later. Enoch died in 1883, and Isabelle married William Haskell Lewis in 1899. George Lewis was Isabelle’s uncle by marriage.

Isabelle sold the property to Henry D. and William Moore in 1909 (293:3) to create a “parish house residence.” The Moores held on to the property until 1923 (unconfirmed whether it was used as a parish house then) and then sold it to the Congregational Conference & Missionary Society of Maine, which later became or merged into the United Church of Christ. The Church returned the property to the Henry D. Moore Parish non-profit in 1998. After sitting vacant for many years, the property was finally purchased in 2022 and is being restored.

84 Rogers Point Road Steuben