360 Rogers Point Road – William Lewis Godfrey c.1826

364 Rogers Point Road Steuben

This property history needs supporting research as some sources put the build date of this house prior to 1800. However, my research indicated that the 100-acre lot this property sits on was sold at vendue (auction) by the proprietors of Steuben in 1799 and purchased by Job Smith. The lot sits between #73 (Parritt) and #30 (Wakefield). It wasn’t part of the original 1794 land grant, so it doesn’t have a lot number. Job sold a 50-acre tract within that lot to William Lewis Godfrey in 1826 (18:198-9).

William was the son of Daniel Godfrey and grandson of Benjamin Godfrey, early settlers of Steuben. The 1850 census records his occupation as farmer. This home has been in the hands of Godfrey heirs since it was built.