392 Rogers Point Road – Caleb Parritt c.1828

392 Rogers Point Road Steuben
392 Rogers Point Road Steuben

In 1828, Samuel Wakefield sold the top 25 acres of Lot #30 to Caleb Parritt. This is the approximate boundary of 2022 tax lots #21 and 20, including the 410 Rogers Point Road house.

November 14, 1828 (26:110): Samuel Wakefield III to Caleb Parritt

Location: “Commencing at the northwest corner of lot numbered 30 Lathrop Lewis plan of said town thence east one hundred and sixty rods or to the northeast corner of No. 30 then south 25 rods or so far that a line running parallel with the first described line till it strikes the shore thence northerly to the first mentioned bounds shall contain 25 acres.”

Shoemaker Caleb Parritt (1805-1855) was the son of Samuel and Rhoda (Joy) Parritt and grandson of original Steuben settler Thomas Parritt (Lot #73, 174-1798). Caleb married Phebe Tracy of Gouldsboro in 1828 and had four children.

His daughter, Clara (1836-1906), married Captain Charles Haraden (1833-1910) in 1856. That year, he purchased the land from Caleb Parritt’s estate [86:117-118]. They also had four children and, as of the 1880 census, were still living on the property. In the 1895-1900 period, the Haradens purchased additional land in Steuben township, including where Samuel Parritt’s store was located (Samuel sold the land to Charles with a provision that allowed him to continue operating his store in perpetuity). As of 1900, Charles, Clara, and their grandson Ralph lived in another Steuben location. Charles died at the Sailors Snug Harbor Home in Staten Island, NY, 1910 and was buried in Steuben.