314 Village Road – Lewis Wakefield c.1840

314 Village Road Steuben

Lewis Wakefield (1806-1887) married Abigail Watts of Cherryfield on January 4, 1830. As of the 1830 census, he resided in Cherryfield. It’s a little unclear when he acquired the Steuben property now at 314 Village Road, but the Wakefield family held large land grants in Steuben township. By the 1840 census, he had moved to Steuben with his family. Lewis sold off his property in the mid-1840s, relocated the family to Cherryfield, and then moved to Minnesota by 1860.

Curtis Parritt purchased the then 14-acre property from Lewis on May 29, 1845 (57:394). Parritt’s descendants held the property until 1986, or 141 years when the land was subdivided. The homestead sits on approximately 3 acres of land.

This classic center chimney New England cape-style home has a second house-like building, used by prior owners as a bakery and cafe—the photos, sourced from Zillow, date from 2015. According to the listing, the house was on the market for two years. The owners took down the listing in 2016 and have since updated the house’s exterior, including roofing and repainting. While the estimated build date is 1840, this home likely predates that by several decades and may have even been built in the late 1700s or early 1800s.

314 Village Road Steuben
314 Village Road Steuben
314 Village Road Steuben