14 Townsley Square Road – Captain Haskell House c.1840

The land where the house sits is right on the line between the original settler land grants of 1794: Lot #3 Jonathan Stevens and Lot #4 Samuel Wakefield.

Jonathan Stevens sold 47 acres of his land to John Manning in 1833. Sometime before that date, he had acquired some of the land from Lot #4 (Samuel Wakefield died before the land grant was given, and his heirs split up the properties). John Manning flipped the property one year later, selling it to Charles Haskell Sr. in 1834. At some point after that date, the house would have been constructed. The property stayed in the Haskell family until 1938, when Charles Faulkner purchased it. The home has been in the Faulkner family since that time.

Interestingly, Charles Haskell Sr. is the son of Zebulon Haskell, who lived at 3 Rogers Point Road (across the town square, next to Tunk Stream). Zebulon bought the house in 1825, but the house might pre-date that as the deed notes a house on the property at that time (I have seen an unconfirmed reference of 1809). Charles Haskell Sr. was a former sea captain before becoming a merchant. He must have done well – he bought quite a bit of land on Rogers Point Road in later years.

Haskell Lot History

Property Deed History

From To Date Deed Locator Notes
Carol [Faulkner]
Aten; Helen [Faulkner] Adessa
Carol [Faulkner]
Aten; Helen [Faulkner] Adessa
October 4, 1993 1880:72-73 Warranty deed as tenants in common; probate from the will of Rafford Faulkner, Concetta Damien Faulkner Aug. 20, 1979
Charles Faulkner Rafford Faulkner June 29, 1940 435:285
Clara [Haskell] and Maurice Foss / Horace and Frances Haskell (children of Charles Haskell Jr.) Charles Faulkner March 1, 1938 420:537 29 acres; excepting and reserving burial lots for George Leighton and Thelma Tellison
Charles Haskell Jr. Heirs
Charles Haskell Charles Haskell Jr. (1856-1917) June 6, 1889 199:171
John Manning Charles Haskell (1803-1890) July 12, 1834 34:173 Apportioned from the original 1794 land grant lots 3 (Jonathan Stevens) and 4 (Samuel Wakefield) ; 47 acres
Jonathan Stevens John Manning May 29, 1833 34:172 Same as above
Samuel Freeman, Proprietor Jonathan Stevens 1794 Lot 3