045 Rogers Point Road – George Gay c.1844

45 Rogers Point Road Steuben

Handy Leighton sold the land to George Gay in 1843 (55:151). At that time, George, a farmer from Massachusetts, also purchased an adjacent 25 acres from Benjamin Godfrey. George moved his family back to Massachusetts by 1855.

At this point, I lost the deed history. However, as of 1860, James Googins and his family are living in the house. However, James Googins married Sophia Leighton, daughter of Handy Leighton (see 44 Rogers Point Road), around 1855-57. I assume that the property was given to them as a wedding gift.

45 Rogers Point Road Steuben
45 Rogers Point Road Steuben
Steuben Historical George Leighton

This photo was sourced from the Steuben Library. A note on the back stated that it was George Leighton’s home when the photo was taken. More research is needed.

At some point, the Victorian-era porch and barn were removed. The back ell is significantly altered.