335 Village Road – Asa Wakefield c.1836

335 Village Road Steuben

Asa Burbank Wakefield (1808-1880, son of Samuel Wakefield III) purchased a 54-acre plot from Samuel Parritt (36:458-9) on Feb. 13, 1836. According to the property deed, the only structure on the property was a barn. Asa also purchased acreage on Rogers Point Road from the Wakefields and the Parritts. The house likely dates around 1836.

Asa married Martha Smith in 1828, and the couple had six children. Son Pillsbury and his wife lived at 335 Village Road. Martha died in 1850. Asa later remarried Susan Nash.

As of the 1870 census, daughter Elvira, her husband Agreen Hodgkins, and their children lived there. Asa is not listed in this census, but I believe he was also residing at the home. In that household, he is listed on the 1880 census as “sick.” Asa has no recorded death date, but it would have been around that time.

As of the 1881 survey, Freeman Parritt (son of Curtis Parritt at 314 Village Road) lived on the property.

335 Village Road Steuben
335 Village Road Steuben