367 Village Road – Joshua Dunbar c.1850

367 Village Road Steuben

It’s challenging to put a specific date on this house since the 12-over-12 windows give the home an older appearance, but the primary structure is consistent with two-story Steuben homes built between 1840-55. An internet search put the house build date at 1866, which I believe is incorrect. This piece of property boarding the Steuben and Township 7 line was not part of the original land grants. At some point a 50-acre parcel was acquired by Isaac Parritt (1788-1849; he was the uncle of Caleb Parritt, who built 314 Village Road).

Isaac sold the property to Nathan P. Stevens (1818-1901) on June 18, 1845 (56:55). Nathan sold the property to Joshua Dunbar on September 13, 1847 (62:203), and left for Missouri, where he had received a land grant, then later settling down in Oregon.

As of the 1850 census, Joshua Dunbar is listed as head-of-household with no family members in the general area. He is also listed as the resident of the home on the 1861 survey map. Joshua married Olive Perry in 1851, and the couple had five children.

In September 1865, he sold the land to Lucy Faulkner (wife of Charles H. Faulkner), who transferred the property and subsequent mortgage to their son-in-law Harrison Elliott (1840-1905, he married Priscilla Faulkner in 1862).

Dunbar sold the property to Lucy Faulkner on September 5, 1865 (111:66). Lucy, in turn, sold it to her son-in-law Harrison Elliot on September 11, 1865 (111:555). Harrison Elliott (1840-1905), ship carpenter, married Priscilla Faulkner (daughter of Lucy and Charles Faulkner)  in 1862. As of the 1870 census, they lived in Steuben in the general area of the house and are listed as residents on the 1881 survey map. The property stayed among Elliott’s descendants until the 1950s, although the original 50-acre plot was subdivided over the years.

367 Village Road Steuben