181 Village Road – Capt. Edwin Yeaton c.1877

181 Village Road Steuben
181 Village Road Steuben

Lemuel Baker Sawyer (1802-1890) purchased the land for this property from Henry Stevens in May 1858 (122:107). According to census records, Lemuel was a house joiner and likely built this home next to his other property at 193 Village Road.

In 1870, Edwin (seaman) lived with his parents (Samuel and Lorinda Yeaton) just south of Oliver Cleaves’ home on Rogers Point Road. He married Matilda Workman in 1874, and they had their first son, Harry, in 1876. He mortgaged the land from his next-door neighbor Lemuel B. Sawyer on $800 installments in May 1877. Edwin died at sea sometime before 1886 (when the house was sold). His widow Matilda sold the property to Abby Childs that year (175:303). Matilda remarried in 1990 and passed away in 1903.

In 1870, Captain Edwin Yeaton (seaman) lived with his parents (Samuel and Lorinda Yeaton) just south of Oliver Cleaves’ home on Rogers Point Road. He married Matilda Workman in 1874, and they had their first son, Harry, in 1876. Given the date range and the house location on the 1881 map, I estimate the house was built in 1877-78.

Edwin died at sea sometime before 1886 (when the house was sold by Matilda to Caroline Guild, 1886, 175:303). Matilda remarried in 1990 and passed away in 1903. The property is referred to in future deeds as the “Matilda Yeaton House.”

Real estate listing photos are available here.

Also see 193 Village Road