438 Rogers Point Road – Guilford Cleaves c.1852

Guilford P. Cleaves, son of Oliver Cleaves (settled in Steuben around 1820), married Esther [Atwater] of Little River, Nova Scotia, on Oct. 13, 1852. Some of her family settled in Steuben in the 1850s. Records indicate that the house was built between 1852-55 from land bought from his father, whose homestead was on the other side of Rogers Point Road. Given his occupation as a joiner, Cleaves may have built his own house. This house has been in the same family since it was built (through marriage: Cleaves, Moore, Stanwood, and Stanley). The house was most recently sold in 2023 to family members. As you can see from the photos, the last updates to the house took place between the 1950s-70s, including an unfortunate downstairs bathroom addition carved out of the front hallway.

This two-story Greek Revival-style home retains its back ell, but any other connected buildings or barns have been removed. 20th-century additions include a two-car garage and a sunporch off the home’s right side. Much of the trim detail, windows, and doors are original. The cornices around the house’s exterior are one of my favorite details. I recently spotted identical trim on a home in neighboring Milbridge.

The new owners are beginning a complete renovation of the home.

This is the “brother” house of 428 Rogers Point Road.

You can read more about the Cleaves family here.