071 Rogers Point Road – Ichabod Godfrey c.1800

71 Rogers Point Road Steuben

Ichabod Godfrey was granted this property in 1792 as lot #2 on the Lothrop Lewis town plan. The house dates from the late 1700s to very early 1800s. Ichabod’s son Benjamin Godfrey purchased the lot and “the house and barn thereon” from his father in 1817 (property deed record 13:183, March 18, 1817). The home remained in the Godfrey family until the 1860s when the property was sold to Jacob Lewis. The property traded hands several times in the early-to-mid 20th century. The current owners have had the property since 1960. The home looks to need significant repairs but is architecturally intact.

The actual front of the house faces the left. The side shown from the road is the right side of the house.

71 Rogers Point Road Steuben
71 Rogers Point Road Steuben