003 Rogers Point Road – Townsley-Haskell c.1800-1825

3 Rogers Point Road Steuben

Zebulon Haskell (1753-1831) lived at 3 Rogers Point Road (across the triangle from 14 Townsley Square, next to Tunk Stream). Zebulon bought the property, which included a “house and store” in 1825 (15:417) from James and Job Smith. Job Smith bought the property from Gad Townsley on November 11, 1807 (5:371-2), also referencing a “house and store.”

The back ell of the house appears to be much older than the main house and could be the original structure referenced in the 1807 deed. The main house is Greek Revival style, which wasn’t popular until the 1830. A comparison of the home from the late 1800s to today shows alterations in the back structure of the house (the door has been moved from the middle to the left side).

Haskell arrived in Steuben with his family from Massachusetts in the early 1800s. His son Charles Henry Haskell built the house at 14 Townsley Square in 1840.

3 Rogers Point Road Steuben Haskell
3 Rogers Point Road Steuben Haskell
3 Rogers Point Road Steuben Haskell
3 Rogers Point Road Steuben
3 Rogers Point Road Steuben